Friday, June 27, 2008

TLAC Support

I've heard a few different reports now from TLAC volunteers about how TLAC staff is telling them that the Running Buddies program is not an official TLAC program, so they can't log the hours that they work for Running Buddies on their TLAC timesheet.

This program gets great pictures of our highest energy dogs, puts together professional looking flyers, and distributes them all over town to help the dogs find homes faster (and hopefully more permanently, as we focus our publicity on places that have active people who might want an active dog, and will adopt that dog for his activity level, not because he looks cute, sorry for the run-on sentence). We only do this for TLAC dogs. I don't understand how helping with this wouldn't be considered volunteering for TLAC.

The more flyers we can distribute, the better. Chandra and I have had a hard time finding enough volunteers to help us. I had always attributed this to the revolving door of volunteers and too few of them staying long enough to get more involved with programs like these. Perhaps there's more to it, though?

I just can't imagine why they wouldn't support this program, although this isn't the first time that they've shown negativity toward it. Dorinda knew about the idea of it from almost the very beginning and she seemed very supportive of it.

2007 results at TLAC

After Mission: Orange was started in Austin in January 2007, the kill rate went up 11.4% and the combination adoption/rescue rate went down 3.6%. After seeing almost nothing come of Mission: Orange in the last year, I wouldn't have expected to see much progress, but to see that we've actually gotten worse is very sad.

This report compares Austin on Mission: Orange to Reno, NV who implemented the programs of the No-Kill Equation and decreased their kill rate by 53.2%. It's a great report.